They Campaigned Against It – But Want Insurance For Themselves

In the recent political campaign, several Republican politicians made promises that they would repeal the existing health care reform laws, and work to stop the changes that were on the way. There were many strong words spoken against the concept of a universal health care system that was run by the Federal government. Ironically, these same politicians are happily signing up for the health insurance that comes from their employer, the Federal government. What do you think about that? Representative Anthony Weiner, from New York, a Democrat, says that the candidates who won their election by campaigning against the new … Continue reading

McCain Cooking Up Controversy and “The Boss” Backs Barack

In a previous blog I discussed first lady Laura Bush’s upcoming gig as guest host on NBC’s “Today” show. Now it appears ABC is following suit by inviting Cindy McCain to join the ladies on “The View” – for a day. The wife of Republican candidate John McCain is scheduled to serve as a co-host on the daytime chatfest next Monday… and resident Republican host Elisabeth Hasselbeck couldn’t be more thrilled. Frankly, I’m surprised Cindy McCain is appearing on the show when her husband was there just last week. (John McCain has been on “The View” four times since it … Continue reading

Politics 101: Introduction and My Goal

“Okay kids, who can tell me whose running for President?” I asked my study group at the inner city tutoring center where I volunteer. “Someone named GOP!” “No, you’re dumb. . .it’s some black guy. We’re going to vote for him because he’s black.” The comments went on for another 5 minutes as to why you should vote for a woman instead of an African American or whether or not the old guy named “GOP” was an animal rights activist because one of the kids keeps seeing his picture with an elephant next to it. If these were little kids, … Continue reading