Politics Blog Week in Review June 22

The week in review is our way at Families.com of letting you know what you’ve missed this week. Of course you can also hit the ‘subscription button to the right and subscribe to this blog so you don’t miss a thing! June 16—Obama and McCain on the Economy As both political candidates begin to spar over key issues in this election, I took some time to outline their differing views on the economy and more specifically taxes. In short, McCain favors a tax break–especially on things like gas. Obama favors raising taxes for those with more money while reducing taxes … Continue reading

Revisiting Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech

If you are of the um. . .older generation, you likely remember Kennedy’s inaugural speech that ended with what would come to be a famous quote: “. . .Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” If you’re my age (that is to say born well after 1961) you probably need to revisit this speech. Our Sense of Entitlement For some reason, our culture is embedded with a sense of entitlement. We feel as if we are owed. . .simply for existing. Now, I’m not speaking on an individual basis per … Continue reading

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Campaign Finance

Subtitle: Broken System or Broken People? McCain remains committed to the public funding for campaign finance. Most voters would like to do away with it. Obama did away with it. McCain can’t do away with it legally. Obama broke a promise. And I’m still not sure if the system is really broken. Obama’s decision to eliminate public campaign finance was historic. No major party candidate has ever done that before. While his people and McCain’s people supposedly sat down to hammer out an agreement, one of Obama’s lawyers said it was clear, they would not be able to come to … Continue reading