Insurance Podcast Roundup – Week of February 13, 2012

The Insurance Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss insurance related issues. This week, you can take your pick of the many podcasts that discuss the controversy with birth control coverage and the Catholic Church. NPR has an episode of “Weekend Edition Saturday” that was released on February 11, 2012. This episode is called “Religion And Birth Control: Not Just A GOP Fight”. This episode points out that the controversy over birth control coverage is not just a fight between the Republicans and the Obama Administration. It has also become a fight between religious freedom and … Continue reading

Politics: The Taboo Topic

Some things just aren’t discussed in polite company. Sports is sometimes one of them, but religion and politics are the big two when it comes to taboo topics. Many a relationship has been harmed by a heated argument over faith or politics, or sometimes both. It doesn’t have to be that way. The truth is that good debate is healthy. Sharing -even arguing- ideas is educational. The difference is in the way people define arguing. Those who argue with -or challenge- others simply to be difficult will likely receive the cold, defensive, response they invited. Those who “argue” in much … Continue reading

Politics 101: More on McCain’s Platform

This is the last and final blog on McCain’s position on various issues. For those of you who are thinking that I highly favor the candidate–well, I’m not saying. But I will say that I will give equal blog time to the other candidates as well. I think it’s important to have a good overview of each candidate and their positions on various issues before you can make an informed choice on who to vote for. *Strict Constructionist–This is perhaps one of the most glaring differences between McCain and the other “major party” candidates. A strict constructionist philosophy essentially means … Continue reading

Politics 101: McCain’s Platform Continued

Yesterday, we started looking at McCain’s platform in overview. We will continue today looking at John McCain and the issues that he is talking about as he campaigns. *Immigration–McCain supports strengthening our borders so that immigrants cannot enter the country illegally. He also supports assimilating those who are already here by programs that encourage learning English, American History and government, civics and democracy. McCain also wants to build strong alliances with Mexico and countries in Latin America who are opposed to the ideals espoused by Hugo Chavez. *Lobbying and Ethics Reform–As a senator, McCain has often lobbied for guidelines and … Continue reading

Politics 101: Focus on U.S. State Senator John McCain

Yesterday, I introduced my role in the politics blog: to talk about and educate on issues and information that is being thrown out there in this presidential election. This is a historic election on several fronts. I think most notable and recognizable is that this will be the first time that we will have either an African American or a woman running. But McCain has his own notability to talk about. What I find very interesting about the McCain campaign, is that when you read his bio on his page, it talks almost exclusively about his military service. It is … Continue reading

Politics 101: Introduction and My Goal

“Okay kids, who can tell me whose running for President?” I asked my study group at the inner city tutoring center where I volunteer. “Someone named GOP!” “No, you’re dumb. . .it’s some black guy. We’re going to vote for him because he’s black.” The comments went on for another 5 minutes as to why you should vote for a woman instead of an African American or whether or not the old guy named “GOP” was an animal rights activist because one of the kids keeps seeing his picture with an elephant next to it. If these were little kids, … Continue reading

Relationship Problems

Relationship problems are the easiest to identify in other couples and sometimes hard to even begin to diagnose in your own relationship. The problem in the identification is linked to the level of involvement. In watching a television show about a couple having issues, the viewer is often given an omniscient view of what’s going on with both parties. They can see what ‘happened’ and what was ‘said’ and even how it was ‘misunderstood’ or ‘misrepresented.’ In essence, they are the watcher and their emotional involvement doesn’t color their perception of events because they have the luxury of being a … Continue reading

Watch the Stereotypes in Business

Just because you are a small, one-person business doesn’t mean you can get away with “personnel issues” that large companies can’t. Without policy and checks and balances to serve as guidelines, you might actually be more prone to stereotypes and prejudice in your home business. So, what’s the problem with stereotyping? Well, you could easily offend or drive away customers and clients if you share broad assumptions about people based on race, age, gender, income level, etc. Not to mention, it does not represent you or your business well. Even the most innocent seeming comments can display stereotypes. Saying things … Continue reading