Is America Ready for a Black President?

Every time Hillary wins a primary or caucus, (like yesterday’s Puerto Rico landslide win) the question of Obama’s “electability” arises. Political journalists are talking about whether race is an issue for Barack Obama. While Clinton has never out and out mentioned race as a factor in the Presidential election, when she talks about herself being more “electable” than Barack Obama–I think it’s fair to assume that his race is perceived by some as a disadvantage. Certainly the journalists that spin the political news for us have suggested it. Shame On Us I have to say that I thought the answer … Continue reading

Black Cats and Halloween

It’s all about the urban myth. Popular culture is dripping with them, especially around Halloween. Which is why animal shelters around the country are taking extra precautions. No black cat will cross your path this Halloween, if a northern Idaho animal shelter can help it. Like many shelters around the country, the Kootenai Humane Society in Coeur d’Alene is prohibiting black cat adoptions from now until November 2nd. The proactive measure is done to protect the animals that could be mistreated in Halloween pranks—or worse sacrificed. According to the shelter’s executive director, the risk that a cat may be harmed … Continue reading

“American Idols” Meet the President

What does it take to be given a private tour of the White House by the President of the Untied States? I would guess you would have to be a head of state, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, or at the very least, a friend of the first couple’s twin daughters Jenna and Barbara. But, apparently all you need to do (not that I can do it) is to sing well in front of millions week after week. If you haven’t already heard, 10 “American Idol” finalists had the opportunity to “hang” with the president at the White House on … Continue reading

Bill Cosby Speaks Out About Obama Win

Given all that we know about Bill Cosby, would any of us really be surprised if President-elect Barack Obama asked the actor to become an advisor on education issues? I know I wouldn’t. The award-winning actor/comedian/author turned education advocate isn’t publicly addressing offers by Obama (right now anyway), but he is speaking out about his influence on the nation’s first African-American president. There’s an argument circulating around media-types that Cosby’s mega-successful NBC sitcom “The Cosby Show” (which aired from 1984-1992) laid the groundwork for President-elect Obama by presenting an appealing black family to influential young voters, who grew up equipped … Continue reading

A New Normal

Many parents who adopt transracially deeply feel that looks shouldn’t matter. And in one sense they shouldn’t. But I’ve come to see that looks cause assumptions to be made. Assumptions that my daughter is lost, although she’s standing right next to me. (She’s Korean and I’m fair-skinned.) Assumptions that I’m her babysitter. Assumptions that she doesn’t speak English. Certain aspects of how one looks carry assumptions based on past experiences and emotions. Different people have different assumptions about who feels threatening and who feels comforting. The more we are around something, the more it becomes part of what we define … Continue reading

Stars Celebrate Obama Win

Oprah Winfrey was front and center last night in Grant Park as her “boy” Barack Obama addressed a crowd of about 200,000 screaming supporters as the nation’s first African American President-elect. Winfrey has long claimed that she is Obama’s No. 1 fan, so it was no surprise that the TV talk show queen was on hand in Chicago to watch him make history. In fact, not only did Winfrey show up to the massive public rally in Grant Park she brought along her BFF Gayle King and Brad Pitt as well. “It feels like hope won,” Winfrey told news reporters. … Continue reading

When Politicians Choose Bad Campaign Songs – Part 2

Yesterday, I was talking about really poorly chosen campaign songs. These are the ones that apparently, the candidates have selected without fully listening to all the lyrics For example, George W. Bush occasionally used “Still the One” by Orleans while on the campaign trail. Guess he missed the line that said, “Sometimes I never want to see you again.” Good grief, it was the second line of the song! How could you miss that? So far, I’ve been picking on Republicans. But, let’s take a look at the Democrats. How about Barack Obama? One of Obama’s choices was the U2 … Continue reading

Obama Opts Out of Public Financing: Was It a Good Move?

Obama’s whole platform is that it’s time for change. He says he’s going to do business differently, and consequently, he’s made the historically unprecedented decision to opt out of using public financing. Earlier in the campaign, he said that he would use the public funds if his opponent did. But now he’s changed his mind. To some, changing gears signals a red flag of a candidate that went back on his word. To others, it signals that Barack Obama, above all, is committed to doing what he thinks is right. So what do you think–political ploy or serious commitment to … Continue reading

Obama and McCain on the Economy

Polls show that the number one factor on Americans minds right now is the economy. Inflation is outpacing the national average for our pay raises. Unemployment is up, families are losing their homes, and more importantly, consumer confidence is down. The number one question we’re asking right now according to many polls, is what will the new president do to fix the economy. Yes, the economy is on our minds ever more so than bringing our troops home. Given that, I thought it appropriate to look at both McCain’s and Obama’s discussion of economics and how we’re going to ameliorate … Continue reading

Fox News Blasted for Calling Michelle Obama Degrading Name

I sure wouldn’t want to be the news producer who came up for the graphic on this one… Fans of Fox News Channel have likely seen this story ad nauseam but if you are not a regular cable channel viewer allow me to get you up to speed: Last week some producer who thought that he/she was being clever referred to Michelle Obama (wife of presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama) as “Obama’s baby mama” in a graphic that aired during a story in which she appeared. The full graphic read: “Outraged liberals: Stop picking on Obama’s baby mama.” It was … Continue reading