Politics 101: Focus on U.S. State Senator John McCain

Yesterday, I introduced my role in the politics blog: to talk about and educate on issues and information that is being thrown out there in this presidential election. This is a historic election on several fronts. I think most notable and recognizable is that this will be the first time that we will have either an African American or a woman running. But McCain has his own notability to talk about. What I find very interesting about the McCain campaign, is that when you read his bio on his page, it talks almost exclusively about his military service. It is … Continue reading

Politics 101: Introduction and My Goal

“Okay kids, who can tell me whose running for President?” I asked my study group at the inner city tutoring center where I volunteer. “Someone named GOP!” “No, you’re dumb. . .it’s some black guy. We’re going to vote for him because he’s black.” The comments went on for another 5 minutes as to why you should vote for a woman instead of an African American or whether or not the old guy named “GOP” was an animal rights activist because one of the kids keeps seeing his picture with an elephant next to it. If these were little kids, … Continue reading